I'm Moving....yep, you read right. I have a new blog home! And I am so excited about it!!!! So come see me over at Life's Little Melodies !
Tuesday, February 08, 2011
My New Blog Home
Posted by
2/08/2011 02:18:00 PM
Labels: new Blog
Monday, September 06, 2010
Monday Meanderings
Memory Verse -- Philippians 2:14 This is the girl's memory verse for this week so I am doing theirs with them.
Husband Encouragement...
Train Them Up...
* Work on first time obedience. WE have gotten way off track in this.
Personal Goals...
* Exercise at least twice this week...more if I can work it in.
* Start getting dressed every morning instead of wearing my slouchy clothes all day. :)
New Habit of the Month... Make sure the laundry is put up before I go to bed at night. Been keeping my dishes pretty well done up but now I need to work on that laundry pile..
MUST Do...
* Must clean my messy house....I really need to de-clutter and reorganize.
* Help Paul finish redoing the living room this week.
Menu -
M - B- Oatmeal and Strawberries
L- Leftover Chicken Tacos from Sunday
S- Lasagna, Garlic Bread
T- B- Blueberry muffins, yoghurt
L- Smoked Sausage and Fried Potatoes
S-Chicken Noodle Soup
W- B-Baked French Toast, Smoothies
L- Leftover Chicken Noodle Soup
S- Bible Study---Spaghetti & Meatballs/Cheesey Garlic Biscuits...
Th- B-Smoothies/Granola
L-Meatball Subs
S- Pinto Beans, Fried Potatoes, Meatloaf
F- B- Muffins, Smoothies
L- Meatloaf Sandwiches
S-Biscuits & Gravy
S- B- Omlettes
L- At a Fair
S- At a Fair
*RAIN!!!!!!! Supposed to get 3 days of it this week...
* Going to the Fair this weekend.
3 things I'm thankful for today...
1. The new Pretzel M&M's :)
2. Audio Books....for the children...not me. :)
3. Nap Time!!!
Can you tell its been Monday? But its got to get better!!!
For more Monday Meadering' s join us at Sarah' s!
Have a Blessed Week!!!!
Posted by
9/06/2010 04:46:00 PM
Labels: Monday Meanderings
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
My lack of blogging......
Posted by
8/25/2010 09:52:00 AM
Labels: Blogging
Saturday, August 14, 2010
My new favorite store......
I have a new favorite store.....
You see, for the last few years, I have avoided any kind of store in which I could spend way too much money. I have not bought any kind of new decorations for fall or spring or Christmas or Thanksgiving unless it cost less than $5 at the dollar store. Seriously....
But....I had to go to Hobby Lobby this weekend for some flowers for my nephews wedding. And they have way too much stuff that I can buy. (hehe)
To start with, they already have their Thanksgiving and Christmas stuff out and are running SALES on it. Yes you read right. SALES in AUGUST on THANKSGIVING and CHRISTMAS decorations. Can you believe it?! I was so excited. No I did not buy anything...but I have a list of items that we will hopefully be making a trip back for in the next month or so....
And alot of items on that list are crafts for the kids to do....they are not even for me. But they have so much Thanksgiving and Christmas craft stuff....some wooden cutouts of Pilgrims and Indians and Pumpkins that they can color (markers included) for $1.99 ea. Not bad. And the girls loved the idea...and of course there are ornaments that you can paint. and all kinds of felt items.
And I like the word "stuff" don't I?
Posted by
8/14/2010 08:12:00 PM
Labels: crafts
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
I have been trying to finish up my planning for the upcoming home school year but one question remains from last year and I cannot seem to answer it. What to use for Science curriculum?
We are mainly Charlotte Mason style but I am not against using a different style of curriculum. I have thought about just doing Nature Study with them until they get a little older.
Also, at what age would you generally start a specific Science curriculum? This is where it gets confusing looking at all the different curriculums out there. Some dont start until "grade" 3 or 4 and some start at "grade"1. So what "grade" or age do you really start with the Science....and Geography and History for that matter?
We started with some History last year and some Geography and some Science, but the girls quickly lost interest in all three....so we laid back and concentrated on Reading, Hadnwriting and Math...with Fun stuff thrown in. But now I am back where I was last year....with the questions of when do I start teaching these and what do I teach.
Any input would be much appreciated!
Posted by
7/28/2010 11:25:00 AM
Labels: homeschooling
Monday, July 19, 2010
Monday Meanderings
Memory Verse: Prov. 31:25
Husband Encouragement: Get us both to feeling better. He hates it when I'm sick and I hate it when he is sick.
* Just be here for him when he comes in from work. I get so wrapped up in the kids and the house and lose sight of just US time.
Train Them Up: Keep getting back on routine and getting them outside. Although it is hot hot hot outside this week, we have got to find cool things to do.
Personal Goals: Get to feeling better. Thats about it.
New Habit of the Month: Keep doing dishes up throughout the day. Been doing pretty good, just got to keep doing it.
Must Do: Still need to order the herbs for the kids. * Still need to make bread and freeze. * Still need to finish school plans and order books. (this stuff has gotten put off because of being sick and shortage of money... :( )
Zone: Not doing one this week. Basically my whole house needs cleaned but unless I feel better, I'm not doing much.
Monday: Had Pizza for supper.
Tuesday: B: Eggs, Toast
L: Grilled Cheese
S: Hamburger Steak, Fried Potatoes Veggie.
Wednesday: B: Smoothies
L: No Clue
S: Bible Study: Velveeta Cheese Dip/Chips Fruit Salad
Thursday: B: Granola
L: Chicken Salad Sandwiches
S: Biscuits/Gravy/Bacon
Friday: B: Smoothies
L: Quesadillas
S: Steaks, Baked Potatoes, Salad
Saturday and Sunday, have no idea what we are doing so I am not planning anything.
Fun Things: Playday with the homeschool group Friday. Thats about it this week. :)
3 things I am thankful for this week: A great husband * Kids that understand that momma is sick and are being so helpful and good (they planned out menu this week :) ) * God!
For more Monday Meanderings please visit Sarah!
Have a blessed week!!!!!
Posted by
7/19/2010 06:54:00 PM
Labels: Monday Meanderings
Kinda Bummed.....
Kindof a dotted post....
* I have been sick for the last two weeks....Bronchitis. It hurts, it makes me feel yucky and I am tired of coughing. And even though I am not contagious, I hate the looks I get in the stores or public places when I cough...
* Paul has been fighting a bronichal infection for a month now...he is even more tired of being sick than I am...I am tired of him being sick. Not that I mind taking care of him, I just dont like seeing my baby sick.
* I am tired of trying to type in blogger and it not working. ughhhh
* Our Homeschool Groups Moms Night Out has kinda slacked off. Just not a whole lot of moms coming and the ones of us that are are kinda discouraged instead of encouraged. I need some ideas on things for us to do. We are not a rich homeschool group, most of our husbands are either out of work or low on work and most are self employed so things that require money are not an option.
* This Heat is so opressing.....So tiring!!!!!
Thats it, just things that are kinda low today.
Now to make my day better and my week Great!!!!
I pray everyone has a great week!!!
Posted by
7/19/2010 05:12:00 PM
Labels: this and that