I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me. Phil. 4:13

Monday, March 01, 2010

Monday Meanderings.....

Again, I havent done this in a while, and I dont know if Sarah is doing it this week, but I felt the need to do it and see if it will keep me on track. 

Bible Study

Reading Proverbs

Memory Verse
Prov. 31:26 "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her toungue is the law of kindness."
Yes, I am doing this one again.....I need a review. 

Husband Encouragement
Make his favorite cookies.  Keep the laundry done up (he loves it when all the laundry is done....or at least his is put in the closet. )

Train Them Up
* Work on obedience and respect we have slacked in this area. 
* Work on praising them for their good works......The have been such good helpers and I dont tell them enough how good they are.

Must Do

* Take Jason to his check up on his ears.
* Finish preparations for our vacation (more on that later)
* Finish girls aprons
* Finish Alainas dress
* Make a skirt for me


My Bedroom (ughh it is a complete disaster of books and clothes and stuff)


Monday- Sirloin tips and gravy (mashed potatoes and rolls)

Tuesday- Calizone
Wednesday- Bible Study (Chicken noodle Soup)

Thursday - Nachos
Friday- Pancakes
Saturday- Hamburgers

Fun Things

* Getting to play outside in all this pretty weather!

* Getting ready for our vacation

* Going for coffee with a friend

Again, I am not sure if Sarah is doing this this week.  She is busy enjoying her new blessing :)  But I needed to do it to keep me going.



Jules said...

I love you,sis. Sounds like a great week. What would make it even better is if you would call or email me???

In Light of the Truth... said...

Just got mine posted! I didn't do it last week and we all saw how that worked out for me! haha! Love your new blog background, by the way! Blessings on your week!