I guess I am more anxious than I thought. I have been nesting like crazy. I have my whole house clean except for the floors and Paul gets mad when I vacuum because it makes me hurt worse. But if I wait until tommorow to vacuum then he can't get me because I will be going in the next day to have the baby. haha.... Anyway, He has been working till like 6 or 7 to make up hours he will miss when I have the baby. two days of work is alot of bills not paid. and that is if everything goes according to plan.
I Just found out today that my sis Julie is supposed to have another girl. CONGRATS!!!!!! I know my two girls fight like crazy sometimes and they can make each other so mad and they get on my nerves sometimes too because of all the fighting. But you ought to see em when one of them gets in trouble. You would have thought you had got both of em. They are like two inseperable best friends. I love to watch em play when they are playing nicely. Then there are times that one doesn't want the other one and they get seperated. I often wonder how the boy will fit in. They will probably have him all dressed up and playing tea or something. Then again they might just enjoy playing war with him too......they are like that. They can either be prissy girls or rough houseing .
Anyway, I probably won't blog tommorow. I have been spending alot of time playing with the girls and tommorow we get to bring the dog in and give her a bath and play with her before I give the tub one last cleaning. So I will probably post after the baby is born. I will try and figure out how to post pictures so everyone who reads this can see the new one.
Love and Prayers
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Getting Ready for # 3
Posted by
2/27/2007 04:04:00 PM
Labels: Kids ......etc
Friday, February 23, 2007
Feeling Better
Just to let everyone know that we are all feeling better and are getting back on track. I had a bad night wednesday night, contractions off and on all night and had a gallbladder attack along with them so we took it easy again yesterday. I took the girls to Pauls mothers house today for a couple of hours. It sure was nice to get out of the house and spend some time away without having to depend on Paul to take me. I know he enjoys coming home and being able to relax and i feel so bad because he has to take me to buy groceries and he even has to buy stamps for me because I cannot load and unload the girls that much in and out of the truck. If I do then I have contracitons all night and he has to stay up then anyway. It is just much simpler for him to take me. But......March 1st I get induced so two weeks after that I won't have to depend on him anymore It will just be me and the three kids to go terrorize the grocery store and the post office lol.....We will see how it goes. I don't have much else going on, Just a long list of stuff to get done before Jason gets here. So I may not blog alot between now and then.
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
2/23/2007 04:49:00 PM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
The girls and I all came down with a virus monday night and was sick half of yesterday. Paul stayed home yesterday to take care of us because I couldn't move off the bed and today we are feeling better. I am glad he has a job where he can take off but with no benefits that means no pay for days missed so now he has to try and make up some of it between now and Friday and that means late nights. I have got to rest and get my strength back up so when the baby comes I can take care of it. Anyway I will probably not post for a few days.
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
2/21/2007 10:05:00 AM
Labels: Kids ......etc
Monday, February 19, 2007
Accomplishments today.
I feel very good about myself today. I got half of my to do list done. That is a big accomplishment right now. I got all the laundry done. lol that was a lot. I got my living room clean, the girls room clean, their toys rotated out and pictures hung in their room. I also got supper put on this morning. Deer steaks and gravy in the crockpot and this evening I am cooking scalloped potatoes and Chocolate Chip cookies. I think I have done really well considering that I don't usally get to do very much. Maybe this sudden burst of energy and ability to do stuff without hurting means the baby is closer to coming. Oh yeah, I also got my kitchen clean. Yes I scrubbed the whole thing.
I also got my Bible study time in without interuptions. See what happens when you give the kids old toys that they haven't seen in a couple of months. Maybe tommorow I can actually get some of my sewing projects done. We will see. I found some of the cutest patterns for the girls some dresses Sunday at Hancocks and their fabric is on sale right now. But I didn't have the money budgeted in right now for stuff like that. so it will have to wait.
Gotta go finish supper, Paul will be home in a few minutes.
If anyone reads my blog and can't comment on it, You can email me and let me know what you think. Julie told me that some of yall that read it is having problems leaving comments because you have to have a blog to leave them. But you can email me and i will email back..
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
2/19/2007 05:55:00 PM
Labels: Accomplishments for the day.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
More Thoughts
Just updates tonight. I am as of right now still fat and pregnant. I cannot believe how different I am carrying this baby than Kylie and Alaina. I gained alot of weight with Kylie and not alot with Alaina and I haven't gained as much with this one as with Alaina but I am carrying it all in the front and it hurts to even walk sometimes. And because of the front weight, if I stand too long it makes my back hurt really bad which feels like back labor. But anyway, maybe only a couple of more weeks at the most. I am hoping that there are no problems this wednesday when I go to the doctor. With Alaina at my 37 week check up, her heartbeat was in the 180's and they like for them to be in the 130's to 150's. So the doc got kinda scared i think and wanted her out but because her heartbeat did go down he had to wait until 39 weeks. I will be 38 weeks with this one Wed. so maybe no problems. Say a prayer for me that all goes well. I don't need a C-Section or anything. After all I will have 3 babies at home by myself all day everyday until Paul comes home from work. That is going to be a little tough. My motherinlaw is fighting a cold so pray for her also. She is supposed to be my babysitter when I have this one.
I read Julies post the other day and she is studying Prov. 31. I have been reading this and some other scriptures also. But then I talked to Julie the other night and she told me that she has been following a deal that she found where you read a scripture of Prov. 31 and write down what it means to you or how you relate it to your marriage. I think I will start doing this and see where I get. I am not a very self confident wife so maybe this will help me.
Anyway. I gotta go get kids in bed.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
2/18/2007 08:41:00 PM
Labels: Musings
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Still Hanging In There
Just got a minute to post. I am still pregnant. I really hope that it comes soon but tommorow is my nieces birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!!!!!!) and I really don't want him to come on her day so i am patiently waiting.
I have not done alot today. I put Enchilada in the crockpot for supper and have been updating our webstore.
I have been researching alot here lately on Cloth Diapers and Cloth Wipes. I have already made some Cloth Wipes and they work great. I am probably going to experiment with the diapers soon. I have to make some curtains for my bedroom and living room first and i want to make me a new purse and the girls some summer clothes so I will see how much i get done between now and when the baby is born and how much i get done afterward. I want to plant a garden and I have no idea when it is time to start. I need to ask my father in law since he grows one every year.
Anyway, just musings for now. Curious what others think about the cloth diapers and wipes.
Posted by
2/14/2007 05:27:00 PM
Labels: Musings
Monday, February 12, 2007
Kids Bad Day
Okay, Okay, I know if my kids are having a bad day it is probably something I am doing.. But does it have to be so bad? I just can't figure them out. Kylie usually wants to follow me around and help with all the housework even if I don't want her doing something she has to have a part in it to. But today she is being a lazy bones. She doesn't even want to play. All she has done is laid around and started fights with Alaina which has in turn made A. pick at her and start stuff. I am about to pull my hair out. All my plans for a clean house and working on computer stuff for Paul today has just went out the window. I guess I will see what I can get done tommorow. I did get laundry done today but that is about it.
I have to admit I got my CD on Romans out and listened to it but they start their Bible study on verse 16 so I am going to say that the first 10 verses are just an introduction and that they don't have some hidden meaning that I need to discover.
I guess that is all. I need to get a shower before Paul gets home so we can go into town after supper and get Wic vouchers filled. I have got Southwest soup in the CrockPot and still need to warm tortillas so .......I will try and post again tommorow but then again, i may turn the computer off tommorow and try to do more interesting stuff with the girls.
Posted by
2/12/2007 04:59:00 PM
Labels: Kids ......etc
Friday, February 09, 2007
Catching Up Again
Sorry I havent posted. I have been busy trying to keep my house up and keep up the computer work that goes along with our website. It gets strenous this time of year, taking discontinued stuff off and putting new stuff on. Plus the baby dropped last week so it isn't as easy for me to do housework as it was. It takes alot more energy and time to keep it all done so I haven't been concentrating on my blog. I have been trying to read the scripture that Julie requested on her blog and like her am struggling to absorb what I am reading. I think I will get my CD on Romans out and listen to it and see what they have to say. Maybe that will help. Or would that be cheating. I don't know. I might try it. Anyway. I went to the doctor and nothing much is going on just my body getting ready to have this baby. If I don't go into labor by 39 weeks then he will induce me if I want. I go back at 38 weeks and he thinks I will have had it by then if not soon after. I guess this is all for now. I am really tired and want to go to bed. Alaina is out for the night, if I could just get Kylie to go out......She is enjoying Daddy time. He has been working late alot here lately and she is missing him. So I will post more later.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
2/09/2007 09:03:00 PM
Labels: Musings
Thursday, February 01, 2007
anxious again
I can't believe that I am closer to having this baby. I have been nesting really bad according to paul. My house can't get clean enough and I havent even gotten my bag for the hospital ready yet much less the baby's. I guess i really need to quit worrying about my house and work on that because if i have to leave at 2:00 in the morning, i wont have time to worry about a bag. lol anyway just had time for a little post today. I have to go clean the office now.
love and prayers.
Posted by
2/01/2007 01:01:00 PM
Labels: Kids ......etc