"Momma why did God make us with two legs in front and two legs in back?" said Kylie. My response. "ummmmmmmmm......ummmmmmmm. What do you mean two legs in front and two legs in back?" She then proceeded to explain what she meant which when her daddy got out of the shower, he understood perfectly. I told him it was because she was crazy like him....lol. I finally understood what she was asking and we gave her an answer that she apparently liked cause she hasnt asked since. But she has been asking just off the wall questions. Off the wall but smart. You can tell that her mind is just going in circles. It is so cute but we have at least two moments aday where I am just stopped in my tracks racking my brain trying to think of what she means and how I am going to answer that.
Life with a very smart four year old...........should be a tv show huh.
and last but not least. a video that i came across today.
It is funny.
Love and Prayers
Edited: This is in response to javamamma 's comment. God made us with a front and a back side. I am just waiting on her to decide we have legs on the sides too.. She is really smart. Sometimes Homeschooling her scares me because I am afraid she is going to be way over my head. My sister got all the book smarts in our family, I got common sense but not very many book smarts. Thanks for the comment.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Questions from a 4 yr old.
Posted by
12/20/2007 06:20:00 PM
Labels: Kylie
Friday, December 14, 2007
This and That
I know I am not supposed to be posting.....(grins) I have a few things to update though. First. If I dont make it back on here before Christmas. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!
Second. I am thinking of starting a new blog. I dont know yet what it will be named. Iam throwing some names around and working on it. I just feel like I am starting a new place in my life right now. It is hard to explain but I am sure most of you have been through this. I feel like God is working on me and in me and I dont know yet what he wants or what he is going to accomplish but I am being patient. I do know that I want to start a new blog. One that is better fitting for my life and the direction that my life is going. I want it to be more of a help to people.
Third. THank you to my sister julie http://www.accordingtohispower.blogspot.com for posting updates and stuff for me. It has helped tremendously.
Kylie is okay for those of you that wondered. She does have an innocent heart murmur. She will probably grow out of it but if not they dont think it will hurt anything.
Jason is doing good. No ear infections of late.
Alaina is doing okay too I guess. Her tonsils are still huge and she still says she hurts all the time.
Jack is settled in good. I have been giving him some placement test to figure out where he is at is school and he is really behind in alot of stuff. He moved around so much as a child and the school that he settled in just pushed him through to get him caught up with his age level that he is so behind. That is one more reason that I dont like school systems now days. My sister in law is a Language arts teacher for Middle School. She was telling me the other day what all she has to accomplish in 45minutes a day for 5 days a week. There is no way....none. I couldnt do all of that work. I would be one of those put in the special ed class and I am good at English and literature....not that you can tell it from y punctuation on here. ( I get in a hurry and dont pay attention) But we are determined that we are going to do the best we can with him and try to catch him up on stuff.
Anyway, If i start a new blog then I will be sure and post it on here too. Thank You all for your support and your comments.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
12/14/2007 09:40:00 AM
Labels: happenings
Today is mine and Pauls 5th wedding anniversary. Yeah weve made it 5 years. I cant believe that It has been that long. It seems like just yesterday we were waiting for deer season to be over so we could get married. Now we have been happily married for 5 long years....lol. Well mostly happy.
But today I want to say what a great man I married. He has been my rock over the last few years and I wouldnt know what to do without him. He works hard everyday at a job that he pretty much would love to quit tommorow so that his family can eat and we can have our house and our cars and our clothes. He comes home everyday to a not so clean house and he doesnt complain or gripe (unless he cant find something which is pretty much all the time.....lol) but he does it in a way that makes me laugh. He loves me and his kids with all his heart and even though there is not much left of him to give by the time he gets home from work, he still tries to give us 100%.
Since our first fight over 5 yrs ago we have learned to fight fair. I sometimes still want to try the crying and whining thing but that dont work and he sometimes still wants to try the sull up and not say a word thing but that dont work either. We have grown as a couple to the point that we know when to keep our mouths shut and when to say something.
He knows me inside and out. He can hear my voice on the phone and know that something is wrong. Even if I telll him nothing, he can still tell and he may not push me about it when we are talking but later when I finally tell him, he says" I knew it". He knows when he walks in everyday whether it is good or if I need 5 minutes to my self or if I need help finishing up supper or just get out of my kitchen and go play with the monsters.. He knows.........
He knows how to push my buttons. We are having a hard time this week cause he took off for a day during his last pay period and he didnt work all of his hours cause he wanted to be home with his babies. He knows when he does this that we run short on money and I know how much he really does not like his job. So I try not to gripe at hime for not working his hours and he tries not to gripe about not being able to eat out on the weekends. I told him last night that I couldnt even get him a card this year. He said not to worry about it. He didnt need it. When I woke up this morning, there was a card on the table from him. He knew it would make me cry. HE knew. But he still done it. He used his lunch money to buy me a silly card. He is not very good at expressing his emotions through talk...he shows them through his actions. And he suceeds everytime in making me cry....
Honey, today on our anniversary. I just want to say that I LOVE YOU! Which you already know. I love you more every day and I think sometimes that I cant love you anymore but then you do something that makes me fall in love with you all over again. I know I said when we got married that if we made it 5 years you could buy me a big diamond (he bought me a little diamond and a $1000.00 recurve bow to go hunting with (my choice) ) but you know what, I dont need the diamond. I dont think I could exchange it for the ring that I have had during these five years. It wouldnt mean the same thing.
So keep the big ring and just come home to me every evening. I would rather have our happiness and my husband at home than to have some big ring shining on my finger and my husband working all the time to pay for it.
Love Your Sweetie Momma Bear.
Thank You all for putting up with my mushiness. I just wish I could express better how special he is to me.
Posted by
12/14/2007 09:07:00 AM
Labels: Anniversary.