I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me. Phil. 4:13

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

This and That

I know I have not been posting lately. I have been at a busy time in my life for the last couple of months and just cant seem to slow down. If I am on the computer much at all, I am usually looking up homeschool stuff. We have been doing stuff that Kylie wants to do and are currently trying to work in the CM method of schooling. I have a new homeschooling blog.... http://www.wonderfulwordsoflifeschoolhouse.blogspot.com/

If you have read my blog for very long, then you know why we named our school that. If you havent been reading long, then keep up with us on our school blog and I will explain it on there shortly.

Today I am not feeling great at all. I think I let myself get to hot yesterday and am feeling the effects of it today. I have that bad habit...I push myself to hard and have to slow down and do nothing for a couple of days.

Yesterday, I had a major accomplishment in my life. I actually made homemade bread and it turned out great. Fluffy, pretty, and taste wonderful.

I was very happy with the result.

I have been working in my flower bed and in my garden and trying to get some things to grow. I am actually keeping my minature rose bush alive and my vegetable garden is doing great.

That is about all that we have been up to here lately.

I am not doing a menu this week..we are eating up food out of the freezer and the pantry so there is no telling what we will have.

Sunday in Church, Paul gave a lesson that really spoke to me. There have been alot of things going on in my side of the family here lately (not saying names but just keeping things honest on here. ) Things that have happened before, over and over again and things that we just want to let go and pray that they never happen again.....at the same time knowing that they will because they always do. (I know it is confusing but it is the best I can do without saying names and telling our whole family history.) I was really down the whole weekend, didnt know why but I was just not in a good mood. Just felt like something bad was going on and couldnt shake it. Sunday, without knowing that something was going on in my head and in my heart (he knew something was up but not what as I had not burdened him with details yet) Paul gave a lesson about Giving it all to God. How we cannot control what is going to happen and how we need to give it to him and just let him handle it. He talked about how no matter how we want to run away, if we will just let God have it he will take care of it, he will show us the way to go or the way to handle it. His lesson really helped me. I prayed alot on the way home and most of the evening and finally I believe that I have given it to him. I have felt a great weight lifted off of my shoulders and now I actually feel like I can be an observer of the situation without being too upset or let it affect my life a whole lot. It will affect me because it affects those that I love but now that I have given it to God, he will carry me...just like the poem says...."...when you see only one set of prints, it was then that I carried you." I will be okay.

How do you let God have control of your life? How do you give it all to Him?

I'll leave you with these thoughts.

Have a blessed week!



Jules said...

Thanks, Sis! Your bread looks great, yummy!!

Love you & keep your perspective!

javamamma said...

Your bread looks amazing!