I am going to post about several different things today...
First, I am asking for prayers for my sister. Julie, Her and her husband are going through difficult times right now because he has been off work so much.
Second, I am asking for prayers for myself. I need strength and patience and more discipline...I have been trying to lose weight and it has not went so well.. I have gained weight istead of losing. I have been getting more depressed here lately and cant seem to pull out of it. I also realized today that I am one of those moms that has let herself go. I mean, I enjoy wearing tshirts and jeans and I dont want to dress all fancy. But I never take the time to even paint my toe nails anymore and that is unusual for me. Even when Alaina was little, I did my own pedicures every week. I also used to keep my hair fixed. Now a ponytail is doing good. Better than my clippy that seems to be around all the time. I also, have not paid attention to my skin here lately. I used to wash my face every morning and night, anymore it is lucky to get washed once every two weeks besides what it gets in the shower. I mean come on.....I can do better than this....See I need Discipline (sp) I need to get my but in gear and take care of some of this stuff.
Third........WHAT IS WITH AMERICA NOW DAYS!!!!!!!! Every time I check the news or the weather all I see is bad stuff....always something about another town going througha drought and not enough water or too much water in some cases....its like they arent ever happy about stuff. Last year, some of them were praying for the rain to stop and this year they are praying for it to come back....last year some of them were praying for more rain and now they want it to go away.....No Wonder God is confused. Its like someone told me one time. Be specific....That saying be careful what you wish for....
I just dont know about the world now days. I mean it is so crazy. My sister posted on her blog this morning about a book that is being read to kids in public school systems. It is a book about two princes falling in love and getting married. That is just sick. But the school system where it was read is supporting it....WHAT HAPPENED TO TEACHING OUR KIDS WHAT THE BIBLE SAYS? We are supposed to be a country founded on religious beliefs but yet we have politicians claiming that we need to make our children aware of People WITH DIFFERENT LIFESTYLES. I SAY NO WE DONT>>>WE NEED TO TEACH THEM THAT IT IS WRONG AND THAT GOD DOESNT LIKE IT AND IT IS BECAUSE OF PEOPLE LIKE THEM THAT THIS WORLD IS GOING TO HELL IN A HANDBASKET.... THEY ARE SPREADING DECEIT AND IMMORALITY ALL ACROSS OUR WORLD AND THE PEOPLE THAT ARE SUPPOSED TO BE RUNNING OUR COUNTRY ON RELIGIOUS BELIEFS ARE SUPPORTING THEM....Makes you want to lock your kids up and throw away the key dont it? It is sad. I listened to a tape a while back that my sister loaned me. It was a Church of Christ preacher and he was talking about a girl that had come to him for some help. She had a situation at her school that she couldnt handle. She played sports and she had to share a locker and shower time with a team mate. Well her team mate was a lesbian. He suggested she go to her coach about switching team mates...She SAID HER COACH WAS ONE TOO AND SO WAS HALF THE TEAM!!!!!! IN HIGH SCHOOL Sad........ Even sadder was he went on to say that there are churches out there that are just for same sex couples. I had no idea until i listened to this tape that they were out there. I know I live in secluded America and I like it that way. That way, my kids dont have to deal with this.....
I have been reading them the little house books. They love them. Kylie told me the other day that she wanted to live like that. She said "Momma, if we lived like that then Daddy wouldnt have to go to work everyday and we wouldnt have to worry about money cause we wouldnt need it." She is four. She is very smart and she would love for us to not have to worry about money or for her daddy to stay home every day. She also knows when I tell her no about something, that I mean no and it is usually because we dont have the money...So she tells me that that is okay we will just have to save the money till we get enough.
I guess that is all for today. I know I kinda got going on the book thing but it just makes me so mad to think that we are letting God out of our country. I mean it just doesnt make sense. But he did say it would happen so I guess we just live our lives the best we can and do his will and let them take care of their selves.
I still need to get some laundry finished and I am going to try and make some cookies tonight. I ran out of gas in my lawn mower and will not have any more gas money until my husband gets paid so I dont have to mow the yard tonight...(Yippee) Wait .....let me rephrase that. THank you God for my yard and my mower but THank you for me not having to mow tonight....It is nice to have a break.
Love and Prayers