I thought I should post this. Julie left a comment about my post on homeschooling. I am not homeschooling because I dont like my teacher friends. I think that yall do a great job and if I could have a school where yall were the teachers and administration it would be great but i cant do that. So I will homeschool my kids. love yall though..
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Another Break
I will probably be taking a break this next week because of Julies Baby. I will try and post after she has it and let everyon know what it is. I would just like to enjoy spending time with my family. Since I wont be here, I am not going to post my menu for this week since obviously i wont have one.
I want to put our Church website on here. Go take a look at it if you want. www.churchofchristonecup.org
Love and Prayers
please continue to pray for Julie that she may have a safe and uneventful delivery.
Posted by
4/28/2007 07:14:00 AM
Labels: Church, happenings
Reasons for Homeschooling
Okay, I dont know what happened to my post on Rude People but if you didnt get to read it oh well. If you did then you know how i feel. I said I would post a list of reasons why we want to homeschool. I was struggling with how to post them with out sounding harsh or hurting peoples feelings when I found this. It was like God was telling me to just put this on here and leav eit at that because all the other reasons i have while still important are not a important as this. This explains alot of why i want to homeschool my children.
Dear God:>>
Why didn't you save the school children at:
Moses Lake , Washington 2/2/96>
Bethel , Alaska 2/19/97>
Pearl , Mississippi 10/1/97>
West Paducah , Kentucky 12/1/97>
Stamp, Arkansas 12/15/97>
Jonesboro , Arkansas 3/24/98>
Edinboro , Pennsylvania 4/24/98>
Fayetteville , Tennessee 5/19/98>
Springfield , Oregon 5/21/98>
Richmond , Virginia 6/15/98>
Littleton , Colorado 4/20/99>
Taber , Alberta , Canada 5/28/99>
Conyers , Georgia 5/20/99>
Deming , New Mexico 11/19/99>
Fort Gibson , Oklahoma 12/6/99>
Santee , California 3/ 5/01 and>
El Cajon , California 3/22/01?
Sincerely, Concerned Student-----------------------------------------------------
Dear Concerned Student:
I am not allowed in schools.
Sincerely, God----------------------------------------------------------
How did this get started?...>> ----------------->>
Let's see,> I think it started when Madeline Murray O'Hare complained> she didn't want any prayer in our schools.> And we said, OK.>> ------------------>>
Then, someone said you better not>> read the Bible in school,> the Bible that says> "thou shalt not kill,> thou shalt not steal,> and love your neighbors as yourself,"> And we said, OK...>> ----------------->>
Dr. Benjamin Spock said> we shouldn't spank our children> when they misbehaved> because their little personalities> would be warped and we might damage their self-esteem.> And we said,> an expert should know what he's talking about> so we won't spank them anymore..>> ------------------>>
Then someone said> teachers and principals better not> discipline our children when they misbehave.> And the school administrators said> no faculty member in this school> better touch a student when they misbehave> because we don't want any bad publicity,> and we surely don't want to be sued.> And we accepted their reasoning...>> ------------------>>
Then some wise school board member said,> since boys will be boys> and they're going to do it anyway,> let's give our sons all the condoms they want,> so they can have all the fun they desire,> and we won't have to tell their parents they got them at school.> And we said, that's grand idea...>> ------------------>>
Then someone said, > let's let our daughters have abortions if they want, > and they won't even have to tell their parents. > And we said, that's another great idea... >> ------------------>>
Then some of our top elected officials said> it doesn't matter what we do in private as long as we do our jobs.> And we said,> it doesn't matter what anybody, including the President,> does in private as long as we have jobs and the economy is good....>> ------------------>>
And someone else took that appreciation a step further> and published pictures of nude children> and then stepped further still by> making them available on the Internet.> And we said, everyone's entitled to free speech....>> ------------------>>
And the entertainment industry said,> let's make TV shows and movies that promote> profanity, violence and illicit sex...> And let's record music that encourages> rape, drugs, murder, suicide, and satanic themes...> And we said,> it's just entertainment> and it has no adverse effect> and nobody takes it seriously anyway,> so go right ahead.>> ------------------
>>Now we're asking ourselves> why our children have no conscience,> why they don't know right from wrong,> and why it doesn't bother them to> kill strangers, classmates or even themselves.>> ------------------>> Undoubtedly,> if we thought about it long and hard enough,> we could figure it out.> I'm sure it has a great deal to do with...> "WE REAP WHAT WE SOW!">> ------------------>> Pass it on> if you think it has merit!> If not then just discard it...> But if you discard this thought process,> then don't you dare sit back and complain about> what bad shape this country is in!
Posted by
4/28/2007 07:06:00 AM
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I am editing my blog reading list. I Got this idea from Julies blog. She said that just because she read the links on her blog doesnt mean she agrees with everything they say. Well, the blogs that I have listed are not blogs that i agree with totally and lately they have been having discussions that I absolutely do not like. I have completely quit reading one of them because of this and will probably quit reading one other one if it is not directed towards something else soon. So I will be deleting them. The other links on my blog are links to sites that I gather inspiration from. If at any time they start something that I do not agree with at all or I feel I shouldnt be reading then i will delete it.
I am also having a hard time finding any kind of curriculum or books on homeschooling that is Church of Christ minded. Everything I find, is on a totally different beliefs than us and I find it really hard to teach my kids with this stuff. The link that I have listed for the program that I am using right now is non religious minded which i guess is the way that i am going to have to go and just supplement with my own bible studies and teachings. But if anyone knows of any Church of Christ homeschooling curriculum or anything let me know please.
I am also adding my mom to my prayer list. She has no energy at all anymore and is always tired. She found out that she has low levels of B6 and Folic acid in her blood and that can lead to liver problems and anemia. So please pray for her that she can get this corrected before it turns into something else.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
4/26/2007 05:34:00 PM
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Stress Test
I got this out of a little booklet called "The Bible Cure for Stress". Take it, See how your stress level is.
Death of a spouse or child------------------ 100
Divorce -------------------------------------73
Marital Separation --------------------------65
Jail Term -----------------------------------63
Death of close family member ---------------63
Personal Injury or illness --------------------53
Marriage ------------------------------------50
Fired at Work -------------------------------47
Marital reconciliation ------------------------45
Retirement ----------------------------------45
change in family members health ------------44
Pregnancy ----------------------------------40
Sex Difficulties ------------------------------39
Addition to family ---------------------------39
Business readjustment ----------------------39
Change in financial state ---------------------38
Death of Close Friend ------------------------37
Change to different line of work --------------36
Change in number of marital arguments ------35
Mortgage or loan for major purchase ---------31
Forclosure of mortgage or loan ---------------30
Change in work responsibilities ---------------29
Son or daughter leaving home ----------------29
Trouble with in-laws -------------------------29
Outstanding personal achievment ------------28
Spouse begins or stops work ------------------26
Starting or finishing school -------------------26
Change in Living Conditions ------------------25
Revision of personal habits------------------- 24
Trouble with boss ----------------------------23
Change in work hours, conditions -------------20
Change in residence --------------------------20
Change in recreational habits -----------------19
Change in Church activities -------------------19
Change in social activities ---------------------18
Loan for minor purchase ----------------------17
Change in sleeping habits ---------------------16
Change in number of family gatherings ---------15
Change in eating habits -----------------------15
Vacation --------------------------------------13
Christmas season -----------------------------12
Minor violations of the law --------------------11
Total Score _______
I thought this was interesting . Let me know what your score is. If it is 300 or more, then statistics say that you have an almost 80% chance of getting sick in the near future. 150 to 299, about a 50% chance of getting sick. less than 150 only about a 30% chance of geting sick.
Interesting statistics.
Mine was 516. I really need to destress. So I think that as I red this book I will post advice about it on here maybe once a week. Maybe it will help someone else too.
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
4/24/2007 03:01:00 PM
Labels: Stress
Julie is going to be induced on May 1st. Keep her in your prayers and thoughts.
Just an update on Julie. She has not had the baby yet. She had a doctors appointment today. I will try and post in a little while on what I find out about it. If I am not napping that is. Jason stayed up til 1:30 this morning with his colic so I may take a nap when the girls do.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
4/24/2007 10:41:00 AM
Monday, April 23, 2007
Menu This Week
I thought I would post my menu for this weeks dinner.
Had picnic lunch at Church
Fish sticks and tator tots.
Pork Tenderloin ( roast flavor. They have these at Wal-Mart for 5.00. not bad and they are delicious)
Deep Fried Ravioli ( Bought a huge bag of Cheese ravioli at sams and we are going to deep fry some of them) With Spaghetti sauce.
Green Beans
Sloppy Joes
Crockpot Enchilada
Chili (going to hunting lease so Paul can go hunting Saturday morning and then we are going to work on the camp trailer.
Fish Sticks
Tator Tots
We will be coming in from lease so we will need something quick and easy.
Italian Pork Chops
Mashed Potatoes.
Or we will eat out and go buy groceries.
Posted by
4/23/2007 10:36:00 AM
Labels: Menu
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Break Week
I am taking a break this week. I have all kinds of stuff to do here at the house and I really need to get Jason on a schedule and Paul starts Real Estate School this week plus working late at work to make up for having to take off early on school days and they have a lot of stuff starting to happen on the jobs at work.. Som tenant spaces that are ready to finish out and paul is the one to do that so....I really need this week to get the kids adjusted to him not being here as much right now. Plus I really need to catch up on some sewing and do some decluttering in places that got cluttered last week when I had no energy to do anything. I was so tired I just couldnt do anything. So now my house is a mess and I have got to get it back on track before I scream.
So I will probably be back on here this weekend or Monday. If not You will know that I am still cleaning and sewing. Today I have to take Kylie to the library. i promised her I would. Can you imagine me in the library with a 3 yr old , 2 yr old, and a baby? They will probably kick us out.
For those of you that would like an update on Julie, She still has not had her baby. she is so ready for it to get here. She goes to the doctor today so maybe we will know something then. If I get time after I find out about her, I might put a little post on here to update. Keep her in your prayers though. She really needs them right now at this point in the pregnancy.
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
4/17/2007 07:04:00 AM
Labels: happenings, life, prayers
Friday, April 13, 2007
Yes it is Friday and usually I am excited about it but just not getting there today. I have been pretty much blah all week. I am guessing it is because it has been cold and yucky and I havent been able to get out. And now today it is RAINING........Why does it have to rain on the weekends. Cant it just rain during the week when my husband is working and we arent interested in going anywhere. But no it has to rain on the weekends so that we have to drag the kids out in it if we want or have to go somewhere. Ughhhhh.... Anyway enough about the rain.
I had to take Jason to the doctor Wednesday. He was really congested and couldnt even eat without choking trying to breathe. Plus he has been really gassy and fussy. I assumed it was colic but wasn't sure. So.....He has allergies but there is not anything to give him until he is 6 mths old. He also has colic and is probably not getting full enough on just formula and then overeating because he is gassy and thinks he is hungry so then he gets more gassy. If you have had a kid with colic you know the drill. She gave me some stuff called gripe water. It is herbal stuff and seems to be working so far. We also started him on rice cereal. He actually slept last night. He went to sleep around 10:30 which is a little earlier than he has been and he woke up around 3:30 and ate and then didnt wake up until 6:00 but he wasnt hungry then just dirty.
So now we have got to work on getting him to sleep earlier.
Pauls mom has been sick but she is feeling much better now. My Dads brother was diagnosed with congestive heart failure. He is very special to all of us nieces and nephews so it will be hard watching him go through this and even harder when he finally passes. My Dad also just lost one of his best friends. (they grew up together. )
I have had a sinus infection and now i have a tooth infected. I am so tired of living with alergies. They drive me nuts. I have kinda been throwing the idea around of moving to Colorado. My husband used to live there and he says he never felt better in his life. I wouldnt care if it was just my allergies but my kids stay stuffed up and feeling bad most of the time and I dont want them to grow up feeling yucky all the time. I dont' know we probably never will but it is something to think about.
I dont really have much else to say. Pray for my sister Julie. She is getting closer to having her baby and has really been hurting alot. Hopefully she will have and easy labor and no problems this time.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
4/13/2007 10:37:00 AM
Labels: happenings, Kids ......etc, life, prayers
Monday, April 09, 2007
Monday happenings.
Lots of stuff going on this week. I decided this morning that since I got all my laundry caught up over the weekend, that I will not do laundry every day this week like I have been doing the past couple of weeks. See usually on Monday's I do all the laundry except for the Kitchen stuff like towels and dishrags and potholders. I do those on Wednesday when I clean my kitchen and then on Friday i do sheets and quilts. But since Jason was born, I have not been caught up on laundry so I have been doing it everyday. Now I can get back to my schedule with the exception of Jason's clothes and cloth baby wipes. They will need to be washed every day. And Paul is down to two pair of work jeans so I will need to keep them washed this week until we can buy more this weekend after he gets paid. So I have today to catch up on other stuff like paying some bills that did not get paid Saturday because we were too busy cleaning house and getting this weeks lesson together for the girls and taking a nap.
Hopefully tommorow I will get to sew on me some dresses and maybe some outfits for the girls.
I have been looking at something on other blogs called Menu plan monday. I need to go check out the website and see what it is all about. But if it is something that is interesting I will see about doing it on here. For today though, I need to work on my budget and My menus for the next two weeks. I am trying to find some new Crockpot dishes to try but am not having any luck finding ones that my husband might like. If yall have any suggestions please let me know.
Paul killed a turkey saturday. Yippee!!!! Congratulations. I love seeing him having fun and enjoying himself. He so enjoys hunting and being in the woods. Plus now we can have deep fried turkey breast and turkey breast rubbed with some great seasonings that we aquired and baked like a pork tenderloin. I love trying new stuff. The only downside to him killing the bird was that I had to clean the meat after he had cut it off. YUCK!!!!!! All I can say is I am glad I am not pregnant this time. Last time he killed a turkey, I was pregnant with Kylie and could not even look at it raw. He had to clean it. Funny cause when I killed my deer, I was pregnant with Alaina and it did not even bother me. Even Funnier, kylie is our finnicky eater, she wont hardly eat meat and Alaina wont hardly eat vegetables but she devours meat. Isn't that weird.
anyway, my goal was to list two things fun to do with my kids every day. today, i am going to snuggle with them during nap time if jason will take his nap at the same time. They love for me to take naps with them. second, I am going to play barbies with kylie. She so enjoys this. And I will find something to do with alaina. she isnt' really into anything right now. If It warms up any at all and the wind isn't blowing, I will try and take them out side. I dont want to go if the wind is blowing though because I already have a sinus infection and kylie's allergies are really acting up.
I am going to try to get some new books to read with this next paycheck. I want a new cookbook and a new cd to so we will see.. If I get them and start reading them I willpost them.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
4/09/2007 10:13:00 AM
Labels: happenings, Kids ......etc, life, Musings
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Happy Easter!!!!
Happy Easter Everyone. I not only celebrated egg hunting with my kids today, I celebrated Christ Death Burial and Resurection. I know it sounds strange to celebrate something like that but If he hadn't of died on the cross for mans sins, I wouldn t have a chance.. If he had not gave up his life so our sins could be forgiven what would this world be like today? I dont really know or want to even ponder it but if you have any thoughts on what it would be like let me know.
For those of you who dont know, our church family has been having church at the community building in Natural Dam Ar, We are working on getting ready to build a building but are having to wait on everyone else to get stuff done. The perk test so we can put in septic and water. and then have to wait on the water line to be put in. You know that saying Hurry up and wait. well that is the story right now. anyway, the community building was rented for easter. so paul and i decided to have church at our house today and have dinner afterwards followed by an easter egg hunt. We really enjoyed it. The kids had a blast and us adults got to fellowship with each other. It was wonderful.
I was talking to a couple of the girls that we got to church with. (known them all my life.) We got to talking about homeschooling because I am homeschooling our kids. They would like to homeschool their kids (future kids). One of them is a single mom with two kids and the other is a newlywed who is trying to get pregnant. (Prayers for both of them please). I thought that was kinda neat. I thought everyone thought that I was crazy for wanting to homeschool. It is nice to know that others are interested. especially ones so close to home.
I was reading on a blog comment the other day about how a blog is supposed to be like that persons journal. I guess that is how mine is. I just write (type) whatever is on my mind.
I guess that is all for today. I dont really have anything else to say right now. I am going to go enjoy an evening with my husband and try to hide all the leftover sweets from my kids. (and myself.)
Love andPrayers
Posted by
4/08/2007 03:06:00 PM
Labels: happenings, Musings
Friday, April 06, 2007
I like this song. I found it on another blog and thought I would post it so others could here it. It fits my life right now and tells me what I need to do. I need to praise Him in this storm. listen youll understand.
Sorry you have to leave this page to listen. I couldn't figure out how to make it play from this page.
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
4/06/2007 02:25:00 PM
Busy Days
We have had some busy days lately. I have been trying to clean my house which means catching up on what I did not get done monday because Jason was fussy all day, and Tuesday because we had to go to town and wednesday because I was just too tired to do anything. Yesterday, we started cleaning and finally got to a point that I could start sewing on the girls dresses. I have almost got them finished. I need to put the finishing touches on Alaina's and kylie wants a bow on the front of hers. I have never put bows on stuff before so I dont know if i can do this or not.
anyway.. Julie I appreciate your comments and also that you helped Sarah leave one. I am humbled by the fact that I inspire you. I didn't figure I could inspire anyone much less my older sister. I am inspired by you also. I am striving to be more like you in the areas of Bible studying and patience with our kids.
In case anyone who reads mine and Julies blogs are wondering where she is at, She is having a hard time right now. The further along she gets the more she hurts. Please pray that she safely continues to carry this baby until it's due and that she may find some comfort and relief from the aches and pains. I know she would appreciate it.
I know every one of my pregnancies were different. I only had three but they were all different. Kylie layed on my back and had my sciatic nerve pinched. my legs were constantly numb and hurting. Alaina was great except for ligaments stretching and her fingernails scratched. Jason was the worst. I hurt everywhere all the time. There was no comfortable position and no relief.
I had fun with the girls yesterday. We had dance class. We put in a CD and danced to oldies rock. It was hilarious. But it got Kylie interested in school again. So I have decided that we are going to have a dance class in our homeschool. It may not be the best class in the world but It is fun and it is exercise for me. lol
I am going to finish the girls dresses and work on my house some more today. What are you going to do?
Love and Prayers
Posted by
4/06/2007 07:19:00 AM
Labels: Accomplishments for the day., happenings, Kids ......etc, life
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
I think that I have set too high of an expectation for myself this week. I still want to get all the stuff done in my list but I am really not getting anywhere and it is wednesday. Monday, we all felt really awful. Alaina was cranky all day, Jason was really fussy and Kylie refused to mind. Tuesday, we got some stuff done but then we had to go to Wal-Mart and to run some more errands and before we even got through in wal mart, Jason was so fussy, he was literally screaming. So...we left without getting everything we needed. Kylie even had to scan stuff at the self checkout for me because i was holdin jason. I guess it is bad to teach a 3 yr old to spend money huh.....oh well.
We have also been struggling with school. How do you deal with a 3 yr olds stubborn decision that she is not going to say her ABC's today and no she does not know what that number is today but she did an hour ago and she will when daddy gets home. And she does not want mommy to teach her, she wants to go to school with (cousin). We have explained to her why we want to teach her at home and she thinks it is great until we get around (cousin) and they say something about when she gets to go to school. Then for a couple of weeks we have this struggle and then she is okay, providing she does not see said cousin for that time period and gets it out of her system.
I am also struggling with my attitude towards my children here lately. I have been trying to be more calm and less stressed with them. I have been trying to do what "Raisng Godly Tomatoes" calls tomatoe staking. But it is really hard to do when you have such variable days like the past two. I get really frustrated with myself when I dont get a certain amount of stuff done in one day. (ask Paul) When I get frustrated, I take it out on the kids and paul like they did something wrong when in acutallity, no body did anything wrong, I just did not meet my too high expectations. I mean, with a newborn and two very demanding toddlers, can you really expect to have a spotless house, homeschool the oldest, make homemade foods instead of store bought, take computer time to check orders on internet business, and run errands and sew? I think not, but yet that is what i expect myself to do. I guess It comes from not ever feeling like I was good enough growing up. That is another reason for homeschooling my children besides the obvious wanting to teach them the Bible and schools now days wont even let them pray. I grew up just like other kids, being compared to each other by everyone else and I never felt like I measured up. I was never as good as the other kids. I dont want my kids to feel that way, I want them to be confident.
My struggles as a child and teenager have carried over into adult hood. I go through the day feeling like if I dont have a spotless house then i am not a good enough wife and mother. HAHA It hit me last night that while my husband would like a spotless house that he woud be more pleased to come home to a happy family instead of mom yelling at the kids or so stressed because she didnt get everthing done that she cant relax and spend time with him. The house will be spotless in future years. When all three kids are old enough to help in all areas of homemaking. Right now they help but they are not big enough to do even 3/4 of what has to be done to keep a home spotless. But that is part of teaching the girls to be homemakers. I also realized last night how much I am missing out on laughing with them. Kylie popped herself in the mouth with a ponytail holder. She was trying to pop it at paul to get some attention because we were talking. and it popped the wrong way. I know it wasn't funny to her because she hurt but it was hilarious to me because I realized how silly she is . It made her laugh too and we all had a good time out of it. I need to laugh more. So I am posting a goal of at least 2 things that I will do with my kids today that is out of the ordinary. I will play with them in their room for at least 20 minutes. and I will do one thing that one of them wants to do. Maybe if I do this everyday, I can enjoy my day more and get more done around the house also if we are all in good moods instead of stressed or begging for attention. Now if Jason will just cooperate.
If I get alot of stuff accomplished today, I will try and post some pictures tonight if I can get them to post.
Love and Prayers.
Posted by
4/04/2007 07:06:00 AM
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I was just thinking last night about things I learned in College about teaching. It occured to me that I didn't learn that much. About the only thing I remember is the Foundations of Education Class. We had to write all kinds of different papers. One of them was our Philosophy of Education. We had to write this and their goal for the teaching program was that at the end of your course study you would have changed that philosophy based on the knowledge you gained.
It made me think of how little girls have a dream of someday getting married and becoming a mommy and by the time they are teenagers usually that dream has changed a little bit to include college, and by the time they are either in college or married that dream has become reality and the knowledge now makes that childhood dream seem so far away.
The Greek meaning of Philosophy is "love for wisdom" . I wouldnt call my self a philosopher but I am always searching for answers and truths. Like the little girl, my philosophy on life changed when I became a teenager, It changed when I became the mom of one and then two and now it has definatly changed with 3. I am sure it will change many times more in my lifetime. I just hope that with each change, it is with more knowledge and positivity than before.
I hope this makes sense, It is just some ramblings that I have had going around in my head all night and wanted to post.
I will probably post later today about our weekend. Right now, I have to go fix breakfast as my quiet computer time is over because my 3 yr old has recently decided that 7:00 in the morning is a good time to get up and she no longer needs a nap during the day either. what fun they are.....!
Posted by
4/03/2007 07:16:00 AM
Labels: Musings, Philosophy
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Thank You
Thanks Sarah for reading my blog. I'm glad you liked it and hope you come back to read it again. Thank You Julie for helping her post a comment. I am glad I am encouraging someone. Sometimes I post on here just so I can be encouraged myself. The comments I get are an encouragement in themselves. So keep on leaving them, they help me get through the days.
Love and Prayers
Posted by
4/01/2007 08:35:00 AM
Labels: comments