I know I havent posted in a while but I am going to try to do better. I havent ever done the Monday Meanderings before but thought that I would give it a try.
Bible Study
Studying the book of James
Memory Verse
Prov. 31:26 "She openeth her mouth with wisdom; and in her toungue is the law of kindness."
Husband Encouragement
Bake another batch of Chocolate Chip cookies. Write SHMILY somewhere he can see it when he gets up.
Train Them Up
* Work on establishing routines again after their visit to granny's..
* Work on praising them for their good works......The have been such good helpers and I dont tell them enough how good they are.
Must Do
* Order books for Church
* Finish ordering Christmas Presents
* Finish Alainas scarf and start blanket
* Enjoy the week of Thanksgiving with the family
Not doing a zone this week, its a vacation week and we are going to bake and enjoy the cool weather and our new kittens.
Monday- Nachos, Cookies
Tuesday- Chicken and Dumplings
Wednesday- Tacos Apple Pie
Thursday - Thanksgiving
Friday- Leftovers with Friends
Saturday- Salad and Ham Salad Sanwiches
Fun Things
* Going hunting with my hubby this week. The kids are all finally old enough that our niece can baby sit for a couple of hours at a time.
* Putting the kids pilgrims and little indians together.
* Playing with our new kittens.
*Cooking with my kids
*Enjoying Family time.
You can read more Monday Meanderings at Sarahs Blog.....
Monday, November 23, 2009
Monday Meanderings
Posted by
11/23/2009 10:24:00 AM
Labels: Monday Meanderings
Saturday, October 03, 2009
I was Frugal!!!!
I went on the hunt for Halloween Costumes today! Alaina has had a hard time making up her mind what she wanted to be....She had mentioned a little indian girl...because Kylie wants to be Laura (Little House on the Prairie, Any Helpful Ideas? I am lost as to how to get her a costume together before halloween...) Anyway, we went to a resale shop that I frequent for their clothes...and on the very front rack was a.............. Disney Store Pochahontas Costume for a total of
So I was FRUGAL!!!!!! And it fits her perfectly and is so cute!!!! I will post pics as soon as I get Kylies outfit together!
Posted by
10/03/2009 04:42:00 PM
Friday, October 02, 2009
Just loving these for the kids.....
I found these on Chasing Cheerios the other day and I am just loving them....
The idea came from here and here are the directions...
Cant wait to make them and post pictures.,...hopefully we will get to make them tonight...
Posted by
10/02/2009 09:45:00 AM
Labels: crafts
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Ahhh...41Degrees here this morning! Definately FALL!
Enjoyed time with my God this morning with a homemade mocha and a glorious sunrise....and wonderful hugs and good morning kisses from my dear sweet husband and kids.
Today we are going to a friends house to make Apple Pie and enjoy some fellowship and just good old fashioned fun. (maybe I'll post pictures) ....when we get home, we are going to paint some pumpkins we have and maybe get our scarecrows put outside....then after Daddy gets off work and we have a wonderful supper of Chicken and Dumplings and homemade bread, we are going to sit down and enjoy watching a hunting video with Daddy. He so enjoys these fall evenings when he can sit down and enjoy watchin those videos with his baby's . While we enjoy the video, I am going to finish knitting Alainas scarf and maybe start a blanket, we will see how far I get.
I will try to post recipes and pictures this weekend. If I dont make it back before then...Enjoy this glorious Fall week!
Posted by
9/29/2009 08:44:00 AM
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
First day of Fall (Autumn)
by Ellen Robena Field
Posted by
9/22/2009 08:01:00 AM
Labels: Fall
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Day 30......How did you do?
Posted by
9/10/2009 01:04:00 PM
Labels: 30 day Husband Encouragement
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Day 21 and How did you do on getting up early?
I realized today (someone brought it to my attention) That I put the wrong start date in my post that I started the husband encouragement on. I said that I was going to start it on the 17th of August, but I started it on August 13th. But dont worry, just keep going with whatever day you are on and KEEP ENCOURAGING!
Day 21 of the Husband Encouragement Challenge!
Day Twenty-one:
"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be
added to you." Matt. 6:33
If we are living in light of eternity, everything we think, do or say is seen from an eternal
perspective. We will someday give an account for our failure to speak words of love and
encouragement. Determine today that your words will be sweet and helpful.
Does your husband have an eternal perspective that allows him to reject materialism
and temporal values? Express your gratefulness for his value system, and praise him
for putting eternal things before riches and other things of this world.
If this is a problem area for him, consider how you might alter your own value system
and live for eternity in front of him, encouraging him to do the same. Only two things will
go into eternity...the Word of God and people. Be sure that you are focusing on the right
I really have no thoughts on this. Paul is really good about putting God first and his values are really in the right order......Maybe if some of you have had a problem with this then you can put in something that will help someone.
Getting up early ended yesterday........or at least the Challenge did. :) I did pretty good, Most days I did get up early and really enjoyed my quiet time. We arrived home early this morning from a trip with Hubby so we all slept in this morning. It is making me feel like I have forgotten something and my day is just dragging......amazing what that difference can make.
And It is almost Autumn! or Fall...whichever you call it! I cant wait. These cooler temperatures and the rain is really setting the mood for Sept. 21...The girls are just as excited as I am...lol
Posted by
9/02/2009 08:39:00 AM
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Kylie!
My Kylie Bear! What can I say about you that people dont already know? You are so smart, and have a wonderful loving, giving heart.
Being the first born, you gave me a little more problems figuring out this whole mommy thing. But you have also been very patient with me and very loving and you tell me that it will be okay...you tell me not to worry and to just pray about it.
It is hard watching my little girl getting ready to really start school (homeschool) and deciding already that when you grow up you want to be a mommy and stay home and teach your kids.....I can only pray that you get to do that....that you get to accomplish your dreams. You make me feel really good about what I am doing as a momma and a teacher....when I really dont think I am doing all that great a job.
You love animals and hate to see anything hurt. Although you dont mind wanting to kill a deer like daddy. You are such a good mommy to your little dolls and you are a great Big Sister to Alaina and Jason!
And you cant wait to cook all on your own! You are so ready to grow up and I am not ready to let go.......
I pray that you have many more joyous years and that you are able to grow up and live your dreams....whatever they may be when you do grow up. I miss your baby years, and I am sure that in another 6, I will miss this year...but I am so glad that I get to share your years with you! I love you my Kylie Bear......my little "mommy"
Posted by
8/27/2009 07:42:00 PM
Labels: Kylie
Husband Encouragement and Up Early! And Happy Birthday Kylie!
Do you realize that we are over halfway through with the Husband Encouragement Challenge? But should we really ever be through.....We should encourage our husbands everyday! Not just because it is our job, but because we want to! How is the challenge coming for you?
Day Sixteen:
"And the LORD God said, 'It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a
helper comparable to him." Genesis 2:18
God says that it is not good for man to be alone. But the way some women criticize their
mates, the husbands may long for solitude. Be careful today not to criticize your mate,
but look for ways to encourage him personally and publicly.
Speaking of communication, does your husband communicate with you? God has made
you a companion and helper for your husband, and part of being "one flesh" with him is
the privilege of sharing and discussing personal needs and concerns. Thank God for
that wonderful gift. Thank your husband for communicating with you.
If your spouse does not communicate as you wish, look for ways that he communicates
that are normal for him - smiling at you, nodding his head, even a pleasant "grunt!" - and
then thank him for letting you know that he cares. Perhaps he needs to be lovingly
taught how to communicate. Be patient with him...and listen when he does speak.
Paul is not a very big speaker....Not saying anything negative trust me...He is the most loving caring man but he just is not a big talker. He communicates in other ways.....bringing me a snack or something speacial when he goes to town.....or coming in and helping with supper.....or helping with the house chores I have left to do (which I shouldnt have any left to do...) He holds my hand in the car...almost constantly, puts his hand on my back as we walk through a store or through a parking lot, sneaks little kisses throughout the day, calls me just to say I love you! So see, your husband does not have to talk to communicate with you.
I have been doing okay on getting up early. I have missed a few days but Paul has told me not to worry about it, just do what you can. I dont know why but the past few days, I have been exhausted and havent been able to get out of bed. I think I may have caught a little bug or something....because Kylie, the one who is always out of bed by 7 has been sleeping until 8 or until I wake her up....so I think either allergies or a bug has gotten us.
But I will keep trying!!!!
And later today, a birthday post to my Kylie Bear! She turns 6 today....6 Oh my Gosh where did the time go? Love You Kylie!
Posted by
8/27/2009 07:31:00 AM
Labels: 28 DAY MORNING STUDY TIME-HYH 30DAY CHALLENGE, 30 day Husband Encouragement, Kylie
Monday, August 24, 2009
Starting with the Husband Encouragement Challenge, I have a some Misc. stuff.
Day Twelve:
"With all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love."
Eph. 4:2
Part of the difficulty you may face as you continue in this 30-day challenge to encourage
your husband is that you really are struggling to find positive things to praise. Perhaps
the problem is not with your husband. Have you checked your own heart?
Sometimes we get disillusioned because of our own unreasonable or unrealistic
expectations (Prov. 13:12). It may not be that our mates are doing something wrong; it's
simply that we expect too much in some areas.
Our expectations must be met in God alone, and then we will have the right perspective
to ask God for the healing and grace we need to respond to others.
How sad that we give more grace to others than to those in our own homes. Today, try
to look at your husband through eyes of grace. Verbally thank your husband for what he
is already doing.
This was yesterdays Challenge. I know how difficult it is at times to think Positive and find things to praise your husband for....While I am not currently having a problem with this, I do need to thank him for it verbally and to show him more that I appreciate all that he does. I do however know of a young woman who is having problems with this and with blaming her husband for all the problems they do have, everything is his fault. While I have been there, and know what is going on, and I know how my situation was handled, I was wondering if any of yall have any suggestions and ideas for how to help her and him.
On the homeschool side of life, we are doing good! I have almost worked all my curriculum plans out, and am working on a daily and weekly schedule. The girls are really enjoying doing Starfall
I am reading over all my Charlotte Mason books. Whew...I never knew I could love to read a book about education....
I will post more soon over on my homeschool blog.
I am so ready for fall! We have our fall decorations in a tote in the girls closet, and everytime we open the closet door, we can smell the candles.....pumpkin pie, mulled cider, apple pie....yum. We are so ready for the cooler days of leaving the oven on with baking....
That is about all for today...sorry for the rambling.
Posted by
8/24/2009 11:57:00 AM
Labels: 30 day Husband Encouragement
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Husband Encouragement Challenge
Have you ever thought about how many different ways that you tear your house down with your words? Actions? I finished up the book Biblical Womanhood the other night.....there was a chapter in it about how the foolish woman tears down her house..........I had never thought about how I tear down my house with my words. I know some of you are probably going to *gasp* at that but I never had. I was raised in a rebellious house so it never struck me as wrong to be sassy. I have gotten better over the last 6 yrs of marriage. My husband says that I am pretty submissive, and have really put a guard on my tongue.
But the book got me to thinking about what else I do that is foolish. I dont always just take what Paul says in front of people....sometimes I have to stick my opinion in there and make him feel little and not worth alot.
Then Sunday, Day 5 of the H.E.C. Was about this
Day Five:
"Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for
necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." Eph. 4:29
Yeah bad day for that! We had more words than I can think of. But when I got home and was reading Biblical Womanhood, I realized that I should have just shut my mouth. I was being very foolish.
Yesterday was better, Today is going good so far. I have been up both mornings this week to see him off to work which he really enjoys. He doesnt like leaving without someone to tell him bye!
Todays challenge.......
Day Seven:
"Do not overwork to be rich; because of your own understanding, cease!...for riches
certainly make themselves wings..." Prov. 23:4-5
"That I may cause those who love me to inherit wealth, that I may fill their treasuries."
Proverbs 8:21
Money is the root of much marital discord. Ask yourself, "Am I being negative toward my
husband in the area of finances?" Determine not to speak evil of your husband in this
area. Discover ways to encourage and help him instead..........
Thats just part of it..... But I am going to try really hard today, to not only build my house up, but to build my husband up! I dont want to be the foolish woman who tears her house down.......not only with words but with actions too.....
Oddly enough, I am also on Day 3 of the Power of a Praying Wife......guess what today is.. His Finances!
Share with me though, some ways that we can build up our homes and our husbands!!!! And how is yoru challenge going?
The getting up early, I'm getting there, I was lazy a couple of days, but mostly, I have been up at 6 or earlier.....this morning, my alarm was set for 5:30, Paul turned it off instead of snoozing it, and told me to go back to sleep, I tried I really did, but it seems like my body was ready to face the day, now if I could just do something about the circles around my eyes :0)........
Posted by
8/18/2009 06:47:00 AM
Labels: 28 DAY MORNING STUDY TIME, 30 day Husband Encouragement, Thoughts on being a Titus 2 woman.
Friday, August 14, 2009
I have been making progress....I was up early for two days and then I was up most of last night with Jason fighting a cold...so Paul kindly told me to go back to bed this morning. I am planning on keeping on with it though...Praying that Jason is not sick again tonight.
Thanks goes to my dear Sister who is joining me in this...and to Kelli my dear blogging friend. I know I for one need all the ecouragement and help I can get.
The Husband Encouragement Challenge hasnt been going too well....I picked a bad week to start back on it :( I also had jury duty today and worrying about what I was going to do with the kids made me really grouchy and snappy and just all out miserable to live with. I realized about 2 am this morning that I shouldnt have worried at all and that I really had nothing to worry about because My God was taking care of me.
So, making progress. I am learning to lean on the Lord again....( I tend to forget this often also and try to do it all myself) I am in a better mood and have not once snapped at my husband today....He says this is encouragement enough for him.
Now if I can just work on habit forming in the children at the same time, I will be doing really really good!
Thank You Julie and Kelli.....your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated!
Posted by
8/14/2009 06:57:00 PM
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Up Early! and Husband Encouragement!
I am starting in on trying to make it up early again! I know that I should never have quit this, but I did, I let circumstances in my life get my routine all off and now I am behind like you wouldnt believe.
So today, I am starting the Challenge of getting up early again....It takes 21 days to form a habit, so today, I am officially starting.....I will take Sundays off, but Monday through Saturday, I will be up at 6:00 am or earlier. 21 Days will be up on Sept 1st. I know last time I did this for 28 days but this time, we are just going for 21 days.
Join me if you will! I am so ready to do this!
Also, I am going to start this again!
30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge!
I will be starting this Monday August 17th. I of course will not be posting on this every day as I have discovered that I have less time for Blogging than I used to. But if you wish to join in and leave comments to help others along the way I will gladly welcome them.
Now, I have to go wake up the little blessings and get started on our day...lots to do!
Posted by
8/12/2009 07:41:00 AM
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Hard to believe.....
That they already have fall stuff out at the stores. Its crazy. I just finished buying summer stuff for the girls and they already have long sleeves and are putting out fall flowers and pumpkins....and the magazines are already starting fall stuff......
The past few days have felt alot like fall around here and it has made me long for the cooler days and fall colors.
I cant wait to get started on some new decorating projects. I will try to share them, but as you may have noticed, I have been absent alot. Hopefully that will change soon!
Posted by
7/21/2009 12:46:00 PM
Labels: Fall
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Some recent events in our life......
A group pic of the kids.....This was not jasons best day to take pictures..very few came out okay.
Kylie, going to join sissy.....
My monkeys, I think they really really wanted to climb this tree...
and again....Kylie was running from Alaina and her bowl of water...only after Kylie had poured water on Alaina.
Posted by
6/10/2009 08:46:00 AM
Labels: Kids ......etc, pictures
Thursday, May 14, 2009
My Best Friend!
As I have went through the last couple of weeks, I have found more and more to be in prayer about. As a family, we are struggling right now to just let God have it all and not worry about it. I have several friends who are having marital problems and I cant stand to see them hurting. I have family members who are going through so many struggles.
I have found myself thinking about how I used to pray and talk to God like he was my best friend. I realized that I dont do that anymore.....or should I say didnt. I have thought about it seriously over the last few months. But never did...until the other night, I found myself in the shower (tmi I know) on my knees praying and talking to God. I was talking to Him like He was my best friend. And He is my best friend. He is....and that feels so good! So now, during this time when it feels like the world is crushing me, I have found myself on my knees alot....enjoying conversations with my Best Friend....
And you know what, all these problems that my friends and family and I have, dont look so bad anymore.......
Posted by
5/14/2009 12:46:00 PM
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Bringing my Faith back into Focus!
For my Birthday, I got to go to a Christian bookstore and shop...while my husband sat in a little kids chair with our blessings and colored...so cute I wish I had taken my camera to get a picture but how was I to know that he was going to insist that I go shop and hold my selections hostage so I couldnt put some of them back...(I have this bad habit of second guessing what I am buyin because I feel guilty for buying stuff for myself..so I will put stuff back and get things for others. ) Well he had me bring my stuff to him every few minuts and I couldnt put it back on the shelf.
Anyway, I chose the movie "Faith Like Potatoes" Excellant movie by the way. We have been wanting to watch this movie for a while and were waiting on the money to order it. Oh Man! I needed that movie... Not to ruin the movie, but how often do we have Faith enough to do something when everyone else says it wont work? How often do we really listen to what God wants us to do, and then do it with the FAITH that HE will make it work?
Watch the movie, It makes you think about all the things that you havent done because you were scared it wouldnt work. Or you really didnt believe it could happen.
On another note, I have been having a hard time having enough patience with my kids. I get mad at them for little things, I expect them to be perfect when they already are, they are exactly the way God made them and that is perfect. I have been having problems with my Faith in myself as a mother and wife. I dont ever think that I am good enough. I dont have enough FAITH in myself. When reading through my blog list today, and scanning blogs (which I havent been doing alot of lately) I came across this again. It made me realize that I had quit doing this and maybe if I start doing this again, or at least start praying for my kids more, I might have a better day....and the next be better, and the next. I have FAITH that if I put enough effort into being a better wife and mother, that God will help me along.
There is a book that I picked up at the store. It is called "Mothers of the Bible" by Dena Dyer. I have only read a few pages but it is very interesting and uplifting. Makes me realize that I'm not the only one who has bad days and I am not the only one who needs to drop to my knees several times a day and pray.
I am going to try to get back to blogging more. I really miss it but this time away from it has mad me focus on things that I need to fix in my life.
Posted by
5/03/2009 02:48:00 PM
Labels: Books, Faith, Kids ......etc, movies, prayers
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I know I know it has been a long time since I posted.
I do have a thought today though. Just one :)
There is a saying going around on the web, mostly on myspace but it has made me think.
The saying.
Posted by
4/28/2009 03:35:00 PM
Labels: Seeking God
Thursday, April 02, 2009
My Babies......Homeschool
If one thing over the years keeps me homeschooling through all the trials and all the frustrating days, it will be the fact that everytime I get frustrated, my kids start singing Christian Songs! Thats right, they dont know any other songs. All they know are Church Hymns and Praise and Worship songs....and thats what they do when Momma is about ready to pull her hair out...
Gotta love my precious babies! Thank YOU GOD!
Posted by
4/02/2009 09:53:00 AM
Labels: being real, homeschooling, Kids ......etc
Friday, March 13, 2009
I am requesting prayers for my family. There are lots of different things going on but just a few of them....
My uncle Edwin, a dear uncle that has been an inspiration in our spiritual walk, has cancer and they have given him one to three weeks to live. We really arent expecting him to make it through the weekend.
My sister Julie had a tooth pulled last week and is still hurting from it. Please pray tha ther pain is eased.
Our oldest sister and her husband are having some problems and they really need prayers right now. They are some wonderful people and it hurts to see them hurting. Please pray for them.
And last but not least, My best friend, was put on bed rest this week. She is 36 weeks pregnant and her blood pressure is up. Please pray that she can get the rest that she needs for her baby to stay in a couple more weeks. Please pray for her husband who is taking care of her and their little boy while she rest and Pray that when she does deliver, that she has a safe delivery and tha the baby is heathy.
Thank You and Blessings
Posted by
3/13/2009 07:06:00 PM
Labels: Julie, Misty, prayers, Uncle Edwin
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Happy 4th Birthday Alaina!
Yesterday my middle child, the one that I worried wouldnt get here, turned 4! 4 can you believe it.
Alaina, I really didnt think that you would get into this world safe. You were stubborn and a mess while I carried you. The doctor was never sure that you were definately a girl, I was sicker with you than with the others, and then you had some heart beat issues that scared us all like crazy. But when time came for you to come out, you didnt waste any time. And that is how you have stayed. In fast gear!
You are a rotten mess as you like to tell us. But we cant help but love you. You can take anyone you want to and wrap them around your finger....Its amazing to watch.
You are probably going to be my farm girl. You would rather play in the dirt or with the dogs than with the dishes and dolls.
My sweet "Lainda Bear" I love you more everyday and pray that you will grow up to be a loving God fearing woman who wont beat up all the boys who try to date you. lol. Please stay strong and always be daddy's little girl.
We love you mommy, daddy and the rest of us.
I will try to add some pictures later, I am in the process of redoing my computer.
Posted by
3/11/2009 07:24:00 AM
Labels: Alaina
Sunday, March 08, 2009
A different ATTITUDE!!!
Yeah I need a different attitude. I have been working on it and I am getting there. Slowly. I have been reading alot of blogs lately (did you ever notice that soemtimes there is a theme with the blogs...? ) that are talking about mask and attitudes and living life for God and not for ourselves.
One of my favorite songs right now is Stained Glass Masquarade by Casting Crowns. I love it. It is awesome. "Are we happy plastic people..." Well are we? I can tell you right now that I am not happy being plastic, wearing my mask, whatever you want to call it. I dont like being fake, I dont like for people to read my blog and think that I have the perfect life or wonder how I get it all done. I DONT! My laundry is piled up right now, my dishes from lunch need done, my garden needs the onions planted, and my toenails arent painted. But my kids are happy (or at least will be when they wake up because they get to go outside and play. ) My family got fed, and I am relaxing. Which makes me happy. The laundry will get put up sometime tommorow, after school and play time and all that, the dishes will get done after everyone goes to bed tonight, and my toenails...well, they may never get painted again..just because I am like that, I would rather play outside than in and when your outside, getting dirty, you really dont care what color you nails are of if your dishes are done.
I have thought a lot this past 6 months on what everyone else thinks, I have worried about whether or not me training my kids would affect others living with me. I have let my priorities get flip flopped because People that I am worried about affecting dont know how to let kids be kids. I have never been one to make sure that every little scrap of paper or every little toy is picked up. That has become my priority this past few months instead of whether or not my kids are enjoying life and being kids. I am starting to get back to letting them enjoy. Yes I will teach them that they should pick up after theirselves, and yes they should respect other peoples property (others should respect theirs also .....) but they will be kids and the will have fun. Lifes too serious not to enjoy what you can of it.
So if you have wondered why I have been absent from blogging alot it has been because I didnt feel like I could get on here and blog when I knew it would be fake, it would be me trying to convince the world and myself that I am okay. I am okay. I am sometimes depressed, anxious, procrastinator, goofy, loving, praying wife and mother. Hence the title of my blog. I am a praying mom of 3 (4....I pray for Jack now more than ever. )
I pray that I will be a Godly wife and mother. I pray that I am able to teach my kids how to be Godly. I pray that My children will grow up respecting us as parents and as Christian Brothers and Sister. I pray that I am doing right in the Lord. I PRAY!......
So from here on out, I am going to have a different attitude. In life, on this blog (when I post, which wont be often) and most importantly, in my heart.
Posted by
3/08/2009 02:34:00 PM
Labels: Attitude, depression
Friday, March 06, 2009
Happy Birthday Julie
Happy Birthday to my wonderful sis Julie. I dont know where I would be today without the support of this wonderful Christian lady.
I love you sissy.
Posted by
3/06/2009 10:59:00 AM
Labels: Julie
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Jason (aka Rooskie Bear)
Two years ago today, my Jason Bear was born. I remember waiting those last few weeks because he hurt so bad I just wanted him out. Now I wish I could make time stand still and keep him a baby forever. He is getting so big. He tells me "My Big Momma". Yes he is growing up. He is my mischievious, sweet, all boy little boy. And smart! Way to smart for this momma. He is only two and he already counts with the girls and says his abc's when they do.
He loves his tractors too, and horses and trains....(or in Jason language..choo choo Prounounced shoo shoo...lol) He is hilarious.
I cant wait to see what he becomes as he grows. But then again, cant he just stay little forever.
My mom got him a shirt for his birthday, it is a size 5t, I figured it was way to big and put it up for summer...late summer, He pulled it out and wanted to wear it. It fit him! He cant possible be growing that fast.
I will try to post some pictures next week sometime. We are having Cupcakes and a little party for him and Alaina tommorow. (hers is the 10th).
Posted by
3/01/2009 08:05:00 AM
Labels: Jason
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
A Mother's Joys
Posted by
2/25/2009 02:28:00 PM
Labels: Poems, Reflections
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Please pray for Jason!
UPDATE!!!! Jason is some better, he got his last shot today and he goes back next week for a checkup. Thank you for your prayers and keep praying please that he is healed.
I took Jason to the Dr. Tuesday for a cough....He has Pneumonia (sp). It seems like it is going around in our house but I sure hope not. Anyway, He got two shots Tuesday, one yesterday and goes in this morning for another one and to check and see if he is better or worse.
Please pray that he is better, I really really dont want my baby to have to go in the hospital. That would not be fun at all. Although, if that is what he needs I will do it, But I also know prayer works wonders so please pray! I will update when I get a chance today. He is a work in at the Dr this morning so I dont know when I will get home.
Posted by
2/19/2009 07:17:00 AM
Labels: Jason
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Happy Birthday Claire Bear!
Yep thats right, our Claire Bear, my precious long awaited niece is 4 today......
There is so much to say about this precious little angel, this gift from God. But for now, I cant believe she is 4....it seems like yesterday, we were all crowded in the waiting room, taking turns going in to be with Julie and Charlie, and then waiting on news that she was here....we were so impatient, that we stood in the hallway that had a sign that read "No loitering..." lol.
Ohh I miss you Claire Bear! Come see me soon! Love Aunt Crystal, Uncle Paul, KylieLaina, Jason, Jack and Amber.
Posted by
2/15/2009 09:23:00 AM
Labels: Claire
Thursday, February 05, 2009
A Bloggin Break
As I sit here watching the sun rise with Jason curled up next to me with his favorite blanky, I pause to think that I need some time to reflect and regroup. It seems my life has been on "really really fast" here lately and I cant slow down. As I prayed this morning, praying for my husband and my kids and for patience and understanding for myself, it seemed like God was telling me to slow down and enjoy my kids a little more.
So one of the things I am going to cut out for this next few days, is my computer. I will probably still check in on a few blogs and see how everyone is but dont expect any post on here.
I will still be doing the 30 day Husband Encouragement Challenge that Kelli is hosting, but I wont be posting on it. It has been such a blessing these last few days to focus on a specific area for Paul. And bless his heart, he is at work again today. He did take two days off to recover and get well..(In case you havent heard, he had pneumonia, his doctor wanted him in the hospital but of course being self pay, we couldnt afford it, so he got lots of meds instead...He is feeling much better this morning...) So I will keep this up....
Posted by
2/05/2009 06:39:00 AM
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Edited to Add: In case you are wondering about the things I ddint get done yesterday, I had to take Paul to the doctor yesterday evening...what we thought was just a sinus infection, is pneumonia, the doctor wanted to put him in the hospital but because we are self pay patients, she gave him lots of meds first. If he is not better by tommorow, he has to go in the hospital...whether we can afford it or not, so Please Pray that He gets better..... That is my excuse though for the things I didnt get done....taking care of my sweet hubby..
Tuesday's Daybook.....
I got this from my sissy's blog.
Bible Verse.....Colossians 3..Still reading this...its alot to absorb.
Recipe.....(Nothing new trying to eat up what we had to cook so it wouldnt ruin.) Chicken and Dumplings
Activity with kids....Movie Day (Daddy and I have to do taxes)
Todays target cleaning....Laundry
Something Paul needs for me to do.....Be a patient wife while he is home sick and to help him do taxes.
Something Special for my husband....Make sure he has all the DR. Pepper he wants
Something Special for my kids....make Kylie a blanket for her bunny rabbit (Didnt do this yesterday..) ...Play Chutes and Ladders with Alaina.....play tractors with Jason (Again.lol)....
Project.....Make homemade cooking mixes......(Didnt do this yesterday either....)
In our schoolhouse....taking a break to recuperate....
A picture that I love......
The Cousins.....Rose, Kylie, Claire, Sarah and Lily, Alaina..... Missing Drew and Jason...lol.
Posted by
2/03/2009 10:40:00 AM
Labels: Daybook
Monday, February 02, 2009

This is my Uncle Danny, and my nephew Drew....Uncle Danny was and is a very influential person in my life. While I have lots of uncles and everyone of them are special, he has always been there for everything...I just cant say enough about him. And Drew......well, I cant wait to see him again...he is just so precious... (and yes sis, I stole this pic out of yours...lol....love ya..)
I have lots of post in the works and lots of things to do today...and this week. but I will post as I get them done. I may do this daybook everyday, it makes me think about what I have to do and what I have to be grateful for.
Many Blessings
Posted by
2/02/2009 09:44:00 AM
Labels: Baby Drew, Daybook, Uncle Danny
Husband Encouragement Challenge!
I am so excited. And yes, I know this is a day late but I have good excuses and I was doing it yesterday.....I just didnt have any power to post. Our power has been going on and off for the last three days...... Anyway.
My good blogging friend Kelli is hosting the "30 Day Husband Encouragement Challenge" I have done this before and I loved it. Every time I do it, I can tell a difference in our marriage and my husband but most importantly in myelf...I am not the nagging, unattentive wife that I tend to lapse into. I have joked that I need to do this every day, like a "365 day husband encouragement challenge". But honestly, I need to have to desire to do this. "The Love Dare" is helping me alot in this area. But that is for another post.
If you want to follow along, you can go to Kelli's Blog and follow with her, or you can go to This directly and do it anytime. I will not neccesarily be posting every day, just as time permits but I will be following along with Kelli.
"The heart of her husband safely trusts her; so he will have no lack of gain. She does
him good and not evil all the days of her life." Prov. 31:11-12
To help you get started, have you ever thanked your husband for "choosing you" above
all other women? He found you attractive as a person, and appreciated you. Though
many circumstances in your marriage may have changed, let your husband know that
you are glad God led you together, and that you want to be a blessing to him for the rest
of your marriage. Let him know that he can trust you to be in his corner
And Just because I am behind a day in posting......
"...through love serve one another." Gal. 5:13b
Today, find some way that your husband is serving you or your family. Does he help
around the house? Take care of the car? Fix things that are broken? If your budget
allows, give him a new, small tool with a big bow attached. But make sure he doesn't
think it's part of a "Honey Do" list!
I did let me husband know that I love hime for choosing me. I cant believe that he would pick me out of how many other women. But I am so glad he did.
Today, I know my husband is serving our family. I told him this this morning and again when I talked to him on the phone a little bit ago. He is working today with pneumonia....bad pneumonia. But he does it so we dont have to worry about money and so we dont have to struggle. Yes he is going to the doctor today ( I finally got him in). But the thing is he doesnt have to work today, we are doing okay enough that he could have took the day off.....but he had people counting on him and he knows that we count on the extra money to get to do cool stuff with the kids....like go see cousins and friends. And he has helped so much around here....he always does, but this week has been especially rough....(long story for another post....) but he has kept our generator going so that we have power for our fridge so we dont lose food, he has kept lanterns lit so I dont have to worry about it. He watched the kids so I could go grocery shopping by myself, and he went with me to get some groceries because I wasnt feeling real good. He also helped with supper most nights the week before because of my illness. So yes he helps alot, and yes I have told him I appreciate him, and let him know that he is very loved.
I hope you can join in and bless your husband and yourself in this.
Posted by
2/02/2009 06:07:00 AM
Labels: 30 day Husband Encouragement
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Will be back when I get power back on...
Due to the Ice Storm that hit Oklahoma, I have no power at my house...I am posting from my mother in laws computer (she lives in town...where they didnt lose power)...
I will be back when I get power.
Posted by
1/29/2009 08:24:00 PM
Monday, January 26, 2009
I got this from my sissy's blog.
Bible Verse.....The book of Proverbs...Currently on Chapter 4.
Recipe.....(Nothing new) Crockpot Beans, Fried Potatoes w/smoked sausages
Activity with kids....Paper Dolls, Listening to Nursery Rhymes, Edible Playdough..
Todays target cleaning....Not feeling well so just basic cleaning.
Something Paul needs for me to do.....Put labels on Flyers for business....
Something Special for my husband.....Clean his office....(if I am feeling better)
Something Special for my kids....mend their toys that they have brought me....
Project.....Clean out my book basket (this is something I can do while relaxing)
In our schoolhouse....watching the weather and waiting on the ice...hehe....
A picture that I love......Julies is a memory today, I think I will just do pictures that I love.
and yes, Paul was standing behind him, this is just an example of what my son does......
Posted by
1/26/2009 11:11:00 AM
Labels: Daybook
Friday, January 23, 2009
He did it.....
Read This. Please pray for our nation. Pray for our leader.
Posted by
1/23/2009 04:34:00 PM
Labels: abortion, our Nation
Monday, January 19, 2009
I had such a good time tonight!!!!! MNO!
For those of you who didnt read the post before this, MNO is Moms night out...and I had a blast....Go on over to our homeschool blog to find out what happened!
Posted by
1/19/2009 11:13:00 PM
Labels: MNO
Mom's Night Out!
I get to go to my first Mom's Night Out...or MNO tonight. I missed the last two months because of sick kids and holidays. So I am excited....I will probably post about it on my homeschool blog tommorow! So come on over and see what I have to say!
Gotta go get ready now.. (and no I am not leaving Paul to cook....supper is in the crockpot!)
Posted by
1/19/2009 05:53:00 PM
Labels: MNO
What Obama is up to.....
I found this link today on Cnn news while reading up on some news.....
All I can say is go read it for yourself.....this is who our nation elected as our leader.
In Prayer
Posted by
1/19/2009 05:46:00 PM
Labels: abortion, our Nation, Politics
Thursday, January 15, 2009
More on Happenings and Alaina
Well, I said in my last post that I have alot going on around here. My physical house is almost all in order. I still have to get to the girls room, (which Kylie cleaned yesterday almost completely on her own)... our office...which is a complete mess and my laundry room.
My spiritual house is getting there. We are getting back on track with the Love Dare, I am starting to get in my Bible reading every day, although I have not been getting up at 6, (sick kids...) I have been doing my reading. I have been trying to get back into reading blogs and while I may not comment on everyone, I am trying to "surf" three or four a day to catch up.
I also am doing something that I have been battling for a long time. I have battled depression ever since I can remember. I have always been a fighter, I did things to keep me busy instead of letting depression drag me down.....not that I am not still fighting, just that it is not working somuch anymore.. I will save the rest for a later post that I am working on but lets just say that after my last depressive period, Paul and I talked and I now have an appointment with a doctor that I trust to try to get a handle on this......I will post on more as soon as I feel I am able....just keep us in your prayers as I am dealing with this. If any of you deal with depression, then you know what I am talking about.
Alaina, the latest of my sick kids....(between the virus and allergies, it has been a rough couple of weeks. Alaina has the latest round of coughs and just plain feeling cruddy. It is a mix between allergies and bronchitis....their doctor put her on a nebulizer until the coughing stops and then I have it in case they need it. So I am staying home with them until this weekend when I have to go get groceries...I would really love to go to the library but not with her being as sick as she is and RSV going around....Plus she is on a steroid for the bronchitis...which means her immune system is lower...We've been this round with Jason and Kylie in the last couple of weeks.
So here is what I am thankful for today!!!!! I am thankful that I have a warm house in which to keep my babies while they get well. I am thankful that the water doesnt freeze in the whole house stil, just one end of it. lol. I am thankful that it is SNOWING today....flurries but my babies are getting to see snow. I am thankful that my hubby is getting extra days at work this week and next. I am thankful that it is a three paycheck month....money to pay off a bill!!!! I am thankful that I have an understanding husband and that he encourages me and doesnt put me down when I feel like I need to get help. I am thankful for my family (here and everywhere) that I know they will be there for me when I need it, no matter what it is.... I am thankful for Church Family (here and everywhere) that they are uplifting and encouraging. I am thankful for my almost clean house and that I have the health and ability to clean it. I am thankful for Moms night out....to give me a little break and get with other moms who go through what I do every day. I am thankful that I serve a just God and a loving God!!!!! and that I still have the freedom to serve HIM!
Blessings to all
Posted by
1/15/2009 09:24:00 AM
Labels: Alaina, bible reading., depression, happenings, Kids ......etc, snow
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Encouraging and Eye opening post..
Kelly over at Embracing the Journey, has a very uplifting, truthful, eye opening...post up. It is a couple of audio clips from Dr. Voddie Baucham. Very uplifting.
Please go read.
Posted by
1/14/2009 08:19:00 AM
Labels: Biblical Womanhood
Monday, January 12, 2009
Well,,,,, WE have been busy.....and sick....but mostly just busy because we were sick with everything else going on.
The week of Christmas, we went to see my family.. Kylie and I ended up with a bad virus....badddd. I dont know where we got it from. After we came home, we had approximately 1 week to get finishing touches done for Jack and Ambers wedding. Jason got sick and is still not feeling exactly like Jason... By this past Monday, I thought everyone was all better but Monday evening, Alaina and Paul ended up with it...so Paul was down all day Tuesday and Tuesday morning, Jack called Amber to come get him from his granny's because he wasnt feeling good and he didnt want to get everyone over there sick. So Tuesday, Amber, Kylie and I took care of Jack, Paul and Alaina and changed Jasons diaper about every 5 minutes....
Amber and I were supposed to have left Tuesday evening to go south and prepare for the wedding. We ended up leaving Wednesday afternoon.
Saturday, January 1o 2009, Jack and Amber became husband and wife. I am so proud of both of them and how far they have come in their walk of life and with God. It is amazing how he has worked in their lives.....
I hopefully will have pictures to put up this week. The photographer, Ambers aunt, is supposed to be getting them to us. I did not have my camera, I was in the wedding with Jason, and Julie was supposed to bring my camera and take pictures, but her babies got sick...so that is okay, Trust me, there were plenty of pictures taken.
I also have some new pictures of the kids and other updates on our lives.
For the next week, or month, you are very likely to just get little updates from me here and there, I am going to be occupied with getting my "house" back in order. We have lots of cleaning, getting school back on track and child training to get back to. I have let my house go for far too long.....all for a good cause, but it needs to get back on track. And Paul may be working alot longet hours before too long...(He may have some jobs coming up to make extra bill money...YAY Paying off bills feels so great!)
For now, I hope and pray that everyone is doing good and that your lives are as blessed as mine.
Posted by
1/12/2009 10:18:00 AM
Labels: amber, back on track, House Cleaning, Jack, Kids ......etc, Updates