I can do all things through Christ which Strengtheneth me. Phil. 4:13

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Stress Test

I got this out of a little booklet called "The Bible Cure for Stress". Take it, See how your stress level is.

Death of a spouse or child------------------ 100
Divorce -------------------------------------73
Marital Separation --------------------------65
Jail Term -----------------------------------63
Death of close family member ---------------63
Personal Injury or illness --------------------53
Marriage ------------------------------------50
Fired at Work -------------------------------47
Marital reconciliation ------------------------45
Retirement ----------------------------------45
change in family members health ------------44
Pregnancy ----------------------------------40
Sex Difficulties ------------------------------39
Addition to family ---------------------------39
Business readjustment ----------------------39
Change in financial state ---------------------38
Death of Close Friend ------------------------37
Change to different line of work --------------36
Change in number of marital arguments ------35
Mortgage or loan for major purchase ---------31
Forclosure of mortgage or loan ---------------30
Change in work responsibilities ---------------29
Son or daughter leaving home ----------------29
Trouble with in-laws -------------------------29
Outstanding personal achievment ------------28
Spouse begins or stops work ------------------26
Starting or finishing school -------------------26
Change in Living Conditions ------------------25
Revision of personal habits------------------- 24
Trouble with boss ----------------------------23
Change in work hours, conditions -------------20
Change in residence --------------------------20
Change in recreational habits -----------------19
Change in Church activities -------------------19
Change in social activities ---------------------18
Loan for minor purchase ----------------------17
Change in sleeping habits ---------------------16
Change in number of family gatherings ---------15
Change in eating habits -----------------------15
Vacation --------------------------------------13
Christmas season -----------------------------12
Minor violations of the law --------------------11

Total Score _______

I thought this was interesting . Let me know what your score is. If it is 300 or more, then statistics say that you have an almost 80% chance of getting sick in the near future. 150 to 299, about a 50% chance of getting sick. less than 150 only about a 30% chance of geting sick.

Interesting statistics.

Mine was 516. I really need to destress. So I think that as I red this book I will post advice about it on here maybe once a week. Maybe it will help someone else too.

Love and Prayers.

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